When handing out business cards, you should offer to add a compliment to the card or make some other note that the person you are giving the card to is a good fit for your service. By complimenting the card, you increase the giver’s sense of self and make them more memorable. Passing out multiple cards to the same person may be presumptuous. That person might be interested in staying in touch, but he might not want to promote himself.
The next time you hand out your business cards, remember to include your logo. Your business name and logo are the first impression that people have of you. A well-designed logo helps your business stand out from the crowd. A string-wrapped package, for example, is a logo used by UPS for 43 years. Your logo should also be clear and relevant to your business. Make it as eye-catching as possible.
You can also write a brief description of your business on the back of the card. A wedding photographer, for example, might not have to include much information about their business. A business consultant might have to provide more detail. Regardless of what type of business you’re in, it’s important to make sure that your business card conveys your services accurately. If you don’t have time to put all of the information on the back of a card, write it on a scrap piece of paper and hand it out to interested parties.