What should I do with all the business cards that I receive? There are many things you can do with them, including making an address book and storing them there. You can also categorize the cards based on the type of business they are. You can file them alphabetically, or by business categories, such as marketing, sales, or legal. Regardless of which method you choose, you should keep them organized. Keeping business cards will help you grow your business.
After networking events, you should sort them. Use your cards for the most appropriate occasions, such as distributing them to potential clients. It is important not to discard them if you don’t want to lose them. You can also use the extra ones as referrals. But, be careful not to throw them away if you haven’t sorted them properly. If you have extra cards, you can either discard them or give them to others to get referrals.
Take notes on the backs of the cards you receive. Write the name of the place or event where you met the person and the topic you discussed. This will help you recall the conversation later. Keep in mind that you should write notes on the backs of glossy business cards because they cannot be written on with normal pen. If you can’t write on the cards, use a post-it note instead.