When you’re working and your baby isn’t with you, a lot of things can start to feel stressful. You might feel tired from spending so much time at work, or you might be worried about what will happen if you don’t get any breaks or feedings during that time. It doesn’t help that most maternity leave policies from companies are not enough to cover all the needs of the mother and the child. Working moms don’t have nearly as much free time as those who aren’t parents, so they often find themselves worrying about how they’ll be able to manage with less help when their babies come home again.
Fortunately, there are plenty of ways working moms can keep things as stress-free and easy as possible while still getting their baby the proper amount of food and care. Here are some tips for helping working moms with latch who want to breastfeed but aren’t sure how:
Comfort is key in helping working moms with latch
No matter how well you know how to latch, your baby is going to be used to the feel of your skin and is going to react to how you are touching them. It can be disconcerting to suddenly change the way you’re touching your baby and confuse them. You can help avoid this by allowing the baby some time to get used to being touched by you. You can also try wearing a nursing bra or tank top that you can comfortably breastfeed in. Many women find that this will allow them to be much more comfortable while still having their breasts available for the baby to latch on to. If you find that you aren’t able to latch your baby on properly right away, don’t feel pressured to keep trying. Try again after a brief break and make sure that lots of time have gone by so that baby’s muscles have had a chance to get used to being touched by you.
Know your baby’s cues
Many working moms get breastfed their baby in public, but not all of them do. It can be hard to be aware of your baby’s cues if you’re only getting to see them while they’re on your chest. In addition, you might be so used to breastfeeding your baby that you don’t notice how long it’s taking them to finish a feeding. If you want to know your baby’s cues and understand how long they take, you can try keeping a note on your phone or in your baby’s journal. Many parents find that keeping track of how long their baby takes to eat will help them understand why their baby seems to need to eat so slowly. If you need to, you can also ask your doctor or breastfeeding support group for help in keeping track of your baby’s cues.
Don’t feel pressured to latch immediately
Despite the fact that many working moms are able to successfully breastfeed, a lot of them are concerned about the pressure to latch quickly. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all breastfeeding should be done on a full stomach and recommends waiting at least an hour after eating before breastfeeding if possible. Waiting will allow your body to digest the food and help your milk flow more easily so that your baby has less of a chance of getting an upset tummy. If you’re concerned about the pressure to latch quickly, you can gently start to wean your baby from the breast. Try to do this when they are still sleepy so that they don’t get upset about it. Turn your baby onto one side or so that they’re not facing you and try to wean them by offering them the breast and then putting it down and offering them something else every so often. You can also try changing your positioning so that your baby isn’t as likely to be breastfed while feeding.
Move around when you nurse
If you’re stuck at work, you might feel like you have to stay still and not move at all when you’re breastfeeding. Even if you’ve worked out a plan with your boss or your human resources department so that you don’t have to move around a lot, you might feel like you have to hold back while you feed your baby. While staying still while breastfeeding might seem like a good idea, it’s actually better for your milk supply. If you have to stay still while breastfeeding, you might want to try moving around a little bit while you’re feeding. Even changing your positioning or sitting up straight while feeding can help to stimulate your milk flow.
Offer the breast frequently when you’re together
If you’ve had trouble getting your baby to latch on to your breast, try offering them the breast frequently while you’re sitting close to them. This can help your baby get used to the feel of your breasts and help them to get the idea of the proper breastfeeding latch. If you’ve tried to latch your baby on, but they’re still not managing to make milk come out, try offering them the breast as frequently as you can while you’re sitting next to them. This can help to stimulate your milk flow and make sure your baby gets the amount of milk that they need. If you have to feed your baby in a different position, try to keep the feeding as close to the breast as possible so that your baby has a chance to get used to the feeling of your breasts.
Be sure that your baby gets at least one wet meal a day
Even if you’re able to successfully breastfeed your baby, you might find that your supply is low. If this is the case, you will need to supplement with a formula. However, it’s important that you don’t wean the breastfeeding off completely until your supply recovers. It might be tempting to wean your baby off formula completely, but doing this too early can lead to them developing a dependence on formula.
If your baby starts to get crabby without his or her usual bottle, you can try offering them the breast instead. This will help to get your baby’s milk supply back up to normal quickly. If you find that your supply is low, you might be able to get some extra milk by waiting a few minutes after you’ve given your baby a bottle or feed. This will help to stimulate your milk flow and give you a chance to pump the milk that is in your breasts back out again. You can try doing this for a few minutes before starting a new breastfeeding session or waiting a few minutes after your baby is done eating before starting a new nursing session.
Brush and floss regularly
Breastfeeding is a great way to get your baby the proper amount of nutrition, but it can also help to keep your teeth healthy. Because the breast sends your baby’s teeth directly to the mouth, it is a good way to get your teeth brushed and keep them clean. Regularly brushing your teeth and flossing between your teeth can help to keep your teeth healthy while still ensuring that your baby gets the proper amount of nutrition through your breast. This can help to avoid a lot of dental issues as your child grows up.
Record how long it takes for your baby to latch and eat each day
It can be helpful to keep a journal or log of when your baby is latching on to the breast, how long it takes, and what your baby is feeding on. This can help you to understand what your baby is getting and to keep track of any changes in their eating habits. If you don’t have a journal or log, you can try keeping a written log of how long it takes for your baby to latch on and eat each feeding. This can help you to better track how much your baby is eating and to better understand why they aren’t finishing their feeds as quickly as usual.
While breastfeeding might be difficult for a working mom, it can be a great source of nutrition for your baby. It’s important to remember that breastfeeding is best, but there are ways that working moms can still get the nutrition that they need. It can be helpful to keep a journal or log of when your baby is latching on to the breast and how long the feeding takes. This can help you to better understand why your baby isn’t finishing their feeds as quickly as usual and to better track the amount of food your baby is getting.