The lifestyle of a resident varies widely depending on the specialty you’re going to choose. For example, the lifestyle of a surgeon will be quite different from that of a pathologist or psychiatrist. The lifestyle of each is dependent on your personality, where you’re located, what you hope to accomplish as a physician, and the people you work with. But there are some things that all residents have in common.
Traditionally, residency programs have been hospital-based. Residents lived in hospital-supplied housing. Their schedule included night duty, which can extend into the wee hours of the morning. The pay was minimal, with residents earning little more than room and board, laundry services, and sometimes a few hours of sleep a night. Most young physicians assumed they had few outside obligations while in residency. However, that was not always the case.
In choosing a specialty, a physician’s personality, interests, and work-life balance must be taken into consideration. A good match between work and personal life is essential, because this will affect your health and relationships. A good fit can improve all aspects of your life, including your relationships, health, and overall satisfaction. For this reason, it is imperative to consider the lifestyle and personal goals of the specialty you’ve chosen before applying to medical school.
During their residency, many physicians use a variety of technologies to stay connected to their colleagues and learn new skills. A Bluetooth headset can be especially useful while driving. For note taking, Dr. Akileswaran uses Evernote to aggregate notes from different sources, including his own learning and didactic teaching. Using apps for trip planning and note taking allows her to stay connected while working. Moreover, she keeps in touch with her family, as well as her patients.
Medical residency programs are similar to those in the US. Residents are grouped by year, and the trainees may choose to specialize in a particular field. Then, during their residency, they may also decide to subspecialize. Subspecialty training generally takes two to four years. There is no term called “fellow” in Mexico, though most doctors are board certified. And all specialties in Mexico are board-certified, including ophthalmology and neurology. In some cases, the residency is comprised of oral and written components.
After medical school, residents are required to complete a medical residency. During this period, a resident transitions from a medical student to a practicing physician. The role of a resident is to act in a clinical environment, under supervision, and will begin to practice medicine. It is an essential part of the path to becoming a physician, and most practicing physicians acknowledge it as a vital step in their career.