There are a number of ways to protect your business cards. Having them in a nice, attractive and matching case will draw more leads. However, a business card in poor condition can quickly become a nuisance – it can easily be curled, frayed or suffer random tears. To avoid this, consider getting a business card holder. This way, you can avoid wasting your time searching for the business card.
Some business cards come with account alerts so you can keep tabs on employee use. Freeze it – Many cards will freeze all new purchases if you suspect fraud. American Express, Capital One, and Wells Fargo all offer on/off switches. Keeping the card safe from tampering is also important. Lamination can help protect your business card from spills and protect it from damage. Adding a lamination layer to your card will add value to it and prolong its usefulness. It also adds a smooth feel to it.
Keep them in a case – Invest in a business card case. These handy items will keep your cards safe from dirt and moisture, and they can also serve as a convenient way to carry your business card collection. These products are small enough to fit in your pocket and provide a convenient way to store and carry them. When you’re on the go, your cards will be close at hand – and in your wallet!