Technology can make distance education more effective by enabling the delivery of standardized content at scale. In developing countries, for example, the majority of lesson time is spent on lectures, and learners passively copy explanations from the blackboard. Because there is no time for practice in class, students often struggle to understand homework assignments. But with technology, students can practice their lessons at their own pace and review concepts at any time. This is especially helpful when school closings occur, or if a student cannot attend classes for some biography.
Computers also allow teachers to conduct virtual classes. By using programs like Zoom, teachers can hold classes with all of their students at once. Distance learning software allows students to participate in online lessons, while LMS systems help teachers streamline coursework delivery. One of the most important benefits of LMS systems is that they help teachers put all of their students’ coursework into a single place, thereby saving time for both parties. The technology used in distance education has been instrumental in improving education across the world.
Another important aspect of technology in distance education is its ability to increase the number of learners and the amount of instruction time. It can also enable learners in remote areas to access education. In China, for example, researchers evaluated a remedial math program that required students to watch videos and play games, and found that it increased the student’s mathematics achievement by 0.12 SDs after four months. These findings have a range of implications for distance education, and it will be important to continue exploring the potential benefits of distance learning.