When you have a small start-up budget, it can be tempting to pursue a large scale project. However, this isn’t an option for many people. For those with smaller funds, starting a small side business is a viable option. Pet sitting services are a good side-hustle opportunity. Pet sitting businesses are easy to start, and you can earn as much as $100 a day from it.
While this is a relatively small amount, it can be used to build a team of highly skilled people. In fact, you can invest as little as $25k in hiring a few people to work on your project. With the help of this small sum, you can hire a team of technology experts to create an effective business model. Or you can invest in self-training by purchasing 5% of a company and start a business from the ground up.
Some businesses require no initial investment. They simply require the entrepreneur to develop the most efficient way to sell their product or service and parlay their profits into the next step. Some entrepreneurs have bootstrapped their way to millions, but this is rarely the case. Most home-based businesses are built to fill an unmet need and can be started with little or no money. You can get your feet wet with an online course or take a class to learn more about this business.