If you are planning a holiday in Madrid, it is essential to know the best things to do. This city is known for its spectacular nightlife, and there are many activities to participate in. Some of the best holidays in Madrid include Christmas and New Year’s Eve. There are also shows and parades, sports events, and other festivities. You can get information about upcoming events and activities by visiting the Madrid Guide.
Individual contributions
For the average December temperatures in Madrid, we used MERRA-2 data. MERRA-2 is a satellite era reanalysis of weather records at over 200 weather stations. Records from each station are adjusted for the relative change in elevation between the station and Madrid. The distance between the two cities is then weighted to calculate the estimated value. As a result, the estimated values in Madrid are a weighted average of individual contributions from each station.
Weather in Madrid during the month of December typically ranges from a low of 23degF to a high of 92degF. In general, the daytime temperature is slightly drier than the evening temperatures. During the days, the wind is predominantly from the north.
Significant variations
On average, the monthly rainfall is 1.2 inches. It rarely exceeds 3.3 inches. Average hourly wind speed is 7.7 miles per hour. However, it is important to note that there are significant variations in the wind speeds within the Madrid area. Usually, the average daily wind speed for the month is between eight and ten miles per hour.
Most of the time, Madrid is green. It is considered the most environmentally friendly city in Europe. A majority of the city’s trees are located within a ten mile radius of the center. Although the city is relatively small, the area surrounding it is covered by a variety of different landscapes, ranging from cropland to artificial surfaces. Generally, the topography within a few miles of the center has modest changes in elevation newstodaysworld24.com.
The base temperature
The growing season in Madrid lasts for seven and a half months. It usually begins on March 28 and ends on November 15. Throughout the month of December, the average accumulated growing degree days in Madrid are fairly consistent. These are days that are integral to the amount of warmth above the base temperature. Unlike other seasons, these days do not change significantly Newstodaysworld.com.
One of the most popular Christmas and New Year’s Eve races in Madrid is the Saint Silvester Road Race. Held since 1925, the race is based on a Brazilian event. Each year, the race attracts over 30,000 runners from all over the world. They all compete in a variety of events. The race includes a night run for professionals and amateurs. The event ends with a fireworks show.
A popular place for Christmas celebrations is Cortylandia, an animatronics show that features animated characters singing and dancing. It is free to attend and located in Calle Maestro Victoria. The show is a popular destination for families and children. While the show is not a long one, the line to get in is quite long techlognews.com.