A criminal legal counselor can charge thousands of dollars to defend you against a variety of charges. While a few lawyers work on a flat fee, most charge hourly rates, which can range from $250 to $700 per hour. The fees you pay to your lawyer will depend on the complexity of your case and the relative skill of the attorney. You can expect to pay more than $10,000 per month for a lawyer’s services, which can make the entire process very expensive.
In Brazil, the constitution provides for the right to legal counsel for all defendants, and requires the government to provide funds for the legal representation of those accused of crimes. A criminal legal counselor who is hired by a state or federal agency must formally declare financial inability to pay for the services of another attorney. Their fees must be at least a percentage of the total amount of money they bill their clients. The fees paid by indigent defendants can range from $2000 to $70,000 per case.
The right to legal counsel is important in many criminal cases. In many cases, the government pays for the defense attorney, but in cases where a defendant faces the possibility of imprisonment, the right to counsel is limited. The right to counsel is particularly important when the state seeks the death penalty. However, the right to counsel is not without controversy, and some people challenge the costs of indigent defense. If you are convicted of a crime, you should consult with a criminal legal counselor immediately, so that you can get the best possible defense.