When you’re nursing your baby, you probably feel like there’s not much that you can do to help boost your milk production. After all, it takes time for your body to produce high volumes of breast milk. However, there are many things you can do to help support an increased milk supply when you’re nursing. Even so, some women have a more challenging time than others with producing enough milk for their infants. Nevertheless, if you’re determined to increase the volume and quality of your breast milk when nursing, then here are some practical tips that may help.
Eat a well-balanced diet
Breast milk is more than just the fat-rich fat-free liquid that you might be imagining it as. In fact, breast milk is an excellent source of many different nutrients and vitamins for your baby, including protein, carbohydrates, and minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, and selenium. Breast milk also contains fat in the form of triglycerides, which may help your little one to develop a healthy brain and live a long and healthy life. Breast milk also contains amino acids, which are vital for a baby’s growth and development. Furthermore, certain fats in breast milk can help promote healthy cognitive development in your child. Breast milk is also very high in lactose, which may cause issues for some children who have lactose intolerance. If you have a lactose-intolerant child, it’s best to give them a lactose-free diet while they are still an infant.
Get 6-8 hours of sleep daily
Breastfeeding your baby is an intense experience and your body needs time to recover from it. When you’re not getting enough sleep, it can impact your milk supply. When you’re breastfeeding, your body goes through a series of hormonal changes that can make you more susceptible to certain ailments such as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
Lack of sleep can also increase your risk for postpartum depression, which may hamper your milk supply. A lack of sleep can also cause your baby to be less satisfied with his or her feedings, which can lead to insufficient milk intake and, therefore, a slower rate of breast milk production. It’s important to get enough sleep while nursing your baby, as this will help to ensure that your body is functioning optimally when it comes to milk supply. It’s important to keep in mind that this will take some time and patience, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not yet getting enough sleep.
Exercise regularly
If you’re a runner, or even if you just like to exercise for the sake of it, you may be surprised to learn that exercise can also help to increase your milk supply when you’re nursing. Studies show that women who regularly work out are more likely to produce more breast milk. The hormones that are released during and after a workout can cause your breasts to secrete more milk and cause your breasts to feel fuller faster. Exercising regularly can also help to reduce stress, which can lead to better sleep and, therefore, a greater milk supply.
Ensure that you’re breastfeeding on the breast and in the position that’s most comfortable for you
A lot of women focus on trying to increase their milk supply by doing things like pumping or pumping more often. While these are sometimes effective methods, they’re often not the most effective way to boost your milk supply. Instead, you should focus on increasing your milk supply by focusing on increasing milk supply. This means making sure that your baby gets as much milk as he or she needs from your breast, and that you don’t over-feed your baby. The best way to do this is to make sure that you’re breastfeeding on the breast and that you’re doing it in a position that is most comfortable for you. If you’re in a bad position, you’re not getting enough milk from your breast, and it may be worth seeing a lactation consultant for help. You can also try to see if you can adjust your position.
Try massaging your breasts at bedtime
Massaging your breasts at night can help to stimulate milk flow, making it easier for your milk to come out of your breast during the day. A study found that women who massaged their breasts at bedtime experienced an increased milk supply. If you don’t want to massage your breasts yourself, you can try to get your partner to do it for you. Massaging your breasts can also help to relax you, making it easier for you to fall asleep.
Squeeze in some sunshine into your day
Breast milk is rich in many nutrients, including Vitamin D, and is only found in high levels in human milk. A deficiency in Vitamin D in the baby can lead to severe health problems including, obesity, increased chances of SIDS, and many other diseases. Vitamin D is only found in sunlight, and it’s recommended that mothers try to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight exposure daily to boost their levels of Vitamin D. The best way to do this is to get outside and expose your skin to sunlight. You can also try to get your hands on some vitamin D supplements, which are available over the counter.
Don’t stress – find ways to relax and unwind
If you find that you’re constantly stressed, or that you’re feeling overwhelmed or under pressure at work or in your social life, you should try to relax more and take some time out for yourself every day. This can help to reduce your stress levels and make it easier for you to relax and focus when you need to. While you should try to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep daily, you should also try to relax more during other parts of the day. This can help to reduce your stress levels, which may make it easier for you to produce more milk.
Bottom line
Breastfeeding may take some time to become comfortable, but it’s worth the wait in the end. Ideally, you want to nurse exclusively for at least 6 months, or until your baby is weaning, whichever comes first. After that, you can continue breastfeeding your baby if you wish. When you’re ready to increase your milk supply, there are lots of things that you can do to help boost milk production. It may take some time, but it’s worth persevering, as the benefits from breastfeeding are well worth the effort.