Telegram(电报APP) has been making waves lately, with its CEO announcing regular group and 1:1 video conversations. While the company is still testing web-based video calls, its native apps have been offering video calling since August 2020. Telegram is late to the video calling party, but looks set to overtake its competitors in the coming years. Zoom is still the undisputed leader in video calling, but Telegram has recently stepped up its game.
Group video chat
While the differences between Zoom and Telegram(电报下载) aren’t huge, there are some important differences between the two. Zoom has a limit of 30 people per video chat, whereas Telegram has no such limit. Telegram is a messaging app that has only a 30-person limit, but it has recently added features that make it an even better alternative to Zoom. Its most notable feature is the ability to share screens with others during a video chat.
While both services are able to provide group video chat, Zoom has a clear advantage when it comes to security. Both apps can be accessed from smartphones, and they support desktop and tablet users. While Zoom is an undisputed leader when it comes to security, Telegram is a more affordable option. Zoom can be used by businesses as well. However, it’s not bundlenews as secure as Telegram. If you’re considering one of these apps, make sure to choose one with the best features and prices.
Noise suppression
In a recent update, Telegram added a feature called Noise Suppression that helps users suppress background noise, which can be especially helpful if you are in an environment with a lot of people talking. The feature also ensures that everyone in a group calling session can hear each other clearly. In addition, the app now includes group video calling. To enable this feature, open the three-line menu icon and click on the “More” tab.
In order to compare Telegram vs Zoom noise suppression, you need to know how they work. Zoom’s noise cancellation algorithm was tested by using Boris Johnson’s speech on 10 May 2020 against a virtual background at Downing Street. In the extreme case, noise cancellation clipped the audio and led to a garbled artificial voice. However, most users won’t have as much need for strong noise cancellation.
Animated backgrounds
In June, Telegram added animated backgrounds to the chat screen. These custom wallpapers are created algorithmically and transferred every time you send a message. Telegram has a variety of other features as well, including a passcode that protects your messages. You can even create your own personalized animated background and share it with your friends. You can see how animated backgrounds can help your chats look more personal by comparing Telegram vs Zoom.
Animated backgrounds are a new addition to Telegram, which is a free messaging app similar to WhatsApp. You can select a gradient or a multicolored background that changes as you send messages. Telegram has a sticker bot that lets you import your own stickers for your chats, as well. Besides the new animated backgrounds, Telegram has added several new features, such as customizable colors and multi-colored gradient wallpapers.
The main difference between Zoom and Telegram is their end-to-end encryption. While Zoom is end-to-end encrypted by default, Telegram makes it a point to mute participants when they’re not needed. Users can also choose to temporarily muffle attendees. This makes Telegram’s end-to-end encryption a stronger option. Whether you choose Zoom or Telegram for business purposes, end-to-end encryption is an important feature to look for.
When it comes to security, Telegram is better tunai4d than Zoom. While the latter offers end-to-end encryption by default, Telegram requires that users manually turn it on. Unless you use end-to-end encryption, your messages will be visible to both the recipient and the sender. In addition, group chats and video messaging are not secure with Telegram. Additionally, users’ metadata is stored by Telegram for 12 months.
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