Select a pest control service provider who has extensive experience treating your specific problem. Ask about what pests they identified, their treatment methods and product choices as well as any special instructions they have such as vacate the house or empty traps.
Consider whether a company belongs to professional associations. Though not required, membership in such organizations can help customers assess a provider’s reliability.
Cost of Pest Control Services Dependent Upon Multiple Factors The cost of pest control services depends upon several factors, including type of pest, its treatment methods required and potential costs involved in fumigating for instance termite infestation is much more expensive than controlling cockroaches as termites cause structural damage requiring specialized fumigation treatments such as fumigation.
Another factor is the size of the building being treated; typically larger structures will cost more. Furthermore, companies must spend money on trucks and equipment capable of transporting chemicals necessary for eliminating pests from entering.
Other expenses for pest control businesses may include insurance costs. Most companies carry liability coverage to cover damages caused by their services and is considered an invaluable investment, providing your business protection from large losses. Most small businesses pay between $400-600 yearly for coverage that should cover up to $1 Million of damages; additionally you should consider getting a commercial auto policy for additional protection.
Pests such as centipedes, cockroaches and silverfish can quickly invade your home, creating discomfort. Furthermore, these insects can damage property as well as exacerbate allergies. A professional pest control service provider will treat your property for these insects to help prevent infestations.
Most pest control services offer guarantees, which typically includes free re-treatments between visits and refunds if pests return. Guarantee terms differ depending on the company; for instance, Terminix provides both a 30-day termite guarantee and one of the best bed bug guarantees available. Furthermore, Terminix also offers add-on treatments such as crawl space inspection, attic insulation replacements and mosquito/rodent control for even further peace of mind.
New Era Pest Control Inc. cannot guarantee results for past or future insect and rodent damage to structures, their contents or personal injuries caused by bites or stings; rather it only guarantees against those pests listed in its contract unless customers correct conditions that contribute to infestations.
The top pest control companies pride themselves on maintaining strong reputations and are dedicated to customer satisfaction. They employ eco-friendly products and methods, such as spraying with sulfur dioxide to minimize environmental risks. Furthermore, they provide detailed inspections and treatment plans tailored to each situation as well as prevention programs designed to seal cracks, repair holes, eliminate food sources for pests, etc.
As with most services, many pest control companies provide guarantees depending on the service offered. Orkin provides a 30-day money-back guarantee and free supplemental appointments if pests return between scheduled treatments; while Terminix has termite protection plans that include annual inspections with free reservice for qualifying homes.
Make sure your pest control company is licensed and insured. Some states require businesses to obtain a license or permit before applying pesticides; you can check online to see the requirements in your state. Also inquire as to any additional insurance policies they have such as workers compensation or general liability cover.
Experience counts when it comes to pest control services. Businesses like Terminix and Rentokil have been around for decades, earning the trust of their customers while protecting homes and families alike. Both services use licensed applicators who can provide copies of labels for each pesticide used on-site as well as details regarding monitoring pests’ activities.
Hawx is also making waves in the industry with their residential plans that cover various pests – ants, bees, crickets, fabric pests, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, moths spiders stink bugs and termites among them. Their inspection can identify them quickly before providing a quote upon inspection and identification of pests in your home.
Be on the lookout for certifications like Green Pro Service or QualityPro that demonstrate good pest management practices, membership in professional organizations and a net promoter score of at least 75. This metric shows how likely current customers are to recommend them to friends and family.